Journal for Facility Management
TU Wien Bibliothek
IFM - Real Estate and Facility Management
TU Wien Bibliothek

Journal Article

Title Risikomanagement und Kosten im Spital: FM-bezogene Tätigkeiten aus dem Bereich Sicherheit
Parallel title Risk management and costs in hospitals: FM-related operational activities in safety and security
Author Leiblein, Thomas ; Hinnen, Barbara ; Hofer, Susanne
Published on 30 Jan 2018
Published by Technische Universität Wien
Published in Issue 15 • 2017 , pages 34-43
Keywords (English) Risk management, hospital, facility management, cost estimation, performance management, Facility Management
Keywords (German) Risikomanagement, Krankenhaus, Kostenschätzung, Leistungsmanagement
AC AC11365920
DOI 10.34749/jfm.2017.2610
URN urn:nbn:at:at-ubtuw:4-2610


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Abstract (English)

Seen from the point of view of any organization it is a duty to formulate the demand for activities arising from the spectrum of safety and security. Each of these activities generates costs from their service providers. Earlier publications provide instructions to hospitals or at least recommendations for action. However, there are no quantified, FM-related tasks in the literature so far. It may also be the case that they, if described, are not detailed sufficiently. The purpose of this research is therefore to provide a detailed analysis of safety and security processes and costs. Based on an applied research design by a comparative case-study approach with four hospitals, a performance and cost comparison of the different processes was carried out. At the same time, tasks and activities in processes were separated from one another by using an order system with an associated process hierarchy as a reference. This subsequently enables the mapping and delineation of costs, which in turn enables a performance and cost comparison of FM-related tasks. Results contribute to the handling and understanding of FM-related risk management in the context of safety and security and its quantification.


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