Journal for Facility Management
TU Wien Bibliothek
IFM - Real Estate and Facility Management
TU Wien Bibliothek


The aim of the Journal for Facility Management is

  1. to provide a high class publication platform for the international research community to foster research and researchers
  2. to connect research with practice

By fostering high quality research publications researchers and practitioners should get an insight in the state of the art of FM, the latest research results and thereby identify best practice and get scientifically based answers for their day to day problems. Therefore, the call for papers is always orientated on the fields of interest of the REUG, the mirror group of this journal. REUG is an international non profit association linked to the Institute of Real Estate and Facility Management of the Vienna University of Technology. The mirror group consist of around 2500 experts in the field Real Estate and FM worldwide. Their members have no influence on the selection process of the papers. To safeguard high quality and the state of the art of the publications the scientific committee consist of a large group of researchers from high class universities from all over the world and is permanently updated by the Editorial board. All this is done to take care of the quality and independence of the research findings and publications published in the IFM journal.

Open Access

The Journal for Facility Management is an open access journal, published under a CC-BY-NC license. Users are free to

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Users must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

The material may not be used for commercial purpose.

For more details see license terms: cc-by-nc

Index - Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

The Journal for Facility Management is DOAJ accepted.DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ is independent. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed in DOAJ. All data is freely available.

DOAJ operates an education and outreach program across the globe, focussing on improving the quality of applications submitted.

Copyright and Publishing

  • Author(s) are allowed to retain Copyright on any article, apart from the following provisions on copyright transfers:
  • Authors grant the Journal for Facility Management the license to publish the paper. They identify Journal for Facility Management as the original publisher.
  • Authors grant the Journal for Facility Management commercial rights to produce hardcopy volumes of the journal for sale to libraries and individuals and the right for online publication.

Financing and Sponsors

This Journal does not charge APCs (Article Processing Charges) or submission charges. Income is generated by the IFM congress entrance fees and booth fees. The main sponsors are named in the journal, but they do not have influence on the selection process of the papers. Editorial Board and Scientifc Committee work free of charge. The editorial staff is paid by TU Wien.