Journal for Facility Management
TU Wien Bibliothek
IFM - Real Estate and Facility Management
TU Wien Bibliothek

Journal Article

Title Nachhaltige Implementierung der langfristigen Renovierungsstrategie in Bestandsgebäuden
Author Hoffmann, M. ; Geissler, S.
Published on 26 Nov 2023
Published by Journal für Facility Management
Published in Issue 25 • 2023 , pages 8-30
Keywords (English) Long-term renovation strategy, property security, services and training in building management
Keywords (German) Langfristige Renovierungsstrategie, Objektsicherheit, Dienstleistungen und Ausbildungen in der Gebäudeverwaltung
AC AC17013981
DOI 10.34749/jfm.2023.4665


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Abstract (English)

The European Union focuses on the energetic renovation of existing buildings, while in Austria many property managers struggle with the maintenance and adaptation of existing buildings to the local and technical standard, which in turn represents a decisive criterion in case law for the extent of liability of managers towards clients and third parties. Based on the legal provisions and standards applicable in Austria, the current maintenance and repair process of the existing building stock is outlined and analysed. Subsequently, a strategy for the increased implementation of energy-related refurbishment is derived. It is shown that the long-term renovation strategy in the future must also include the adaptation of essential safety precautions in existing buildings if the goal of increasing the energy-related renovation rate is to be achieved.


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